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Venture Capital (VC)

Starting and growing a business always require capital. There are a number of alternative methods to fund growth. These include the owner or proprietor�s own capital, arranging debt finance, or seeking an equity partner, as is the case with private equity and venture capital.

Private equity is a broad term that refers to any type of non-public ownership equity securities that are not listed on a public exchange. Private equity encompasses both early stage (venture capital) and later stage (buy-out, expansion) investing. In the broadest sense, it can also include mezzanine, fund of funds and secondary investing.

Venture capital is a means of equity financing for rapidly-growing private companies. Finance may be required for the start-up, development/expansion or purchase of a company. Venture Capital firms invest funds on a professional basis, often focusing on a limited sector of specialization (eg. IT, infrastructure, health/life sciences, clean technology, etc.).

The goal of venture capital is to build companies so that the shares become liquid (through IPO or acquisition) and provide a rate of return to the investors (in the form of cash or shares) that is consistent with the level of risk taken.

With venture capital financing, the venture capitalist acquires an agreed proportion of the equity of the company in return for the funding. Equity finance offers the significant advantage of having no interest charges. It is "patient" capital that seeks a return through long-term capital gain rather than immediate and regular interest payments, as in the case of debt financing. Given the nature of equity financing, venture capital investors are therefore exposed to the risk of the company failing. As a result the venture capitalist must look to invest in companies which have the ability to grow very successfully and provide higher than average returns to compensate for the risk.

When venture capitalists invest in a business they typically require a seat on the company's board of directors. They tend to take a minority share in the company and usually do not take day-to-day control. Rather, professional venture capitalists act as mentors and aim to provide support and advice on a range of management, sales and technical issues to assist the company to develop its full potential.

Venture capital has a number of advantages over other forms of finance, such as:

  • It injects long term equity finance which provides a solid capital base for future growth.
  • The venture capitalist is a business partner, sharing both the risks and rewards. Venture capitalists are rewarded by business success and the capital gain.
  • The venture capitalist is able to provide practical advice and assistance to the company based on past experience with other companies which were in similar situations.
  • The venture capitalist also has a network of contacts in many areas that can add value to the company, such as in recruiting key personnel, providing contacts in international markets, introductions to strategic partners, and if needed co-investments with other venture capital firms when additional rounds of financing are required.
  • The venture capitalist may be capable of providing additional rounds of funding should it be required to finance growth.



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