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Home » Finance Sample Papers » Finance - General Sample Papers » ECONOMICS-SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER 5







Max Marks: - 100                                                                                               Time: - 3hrs 30 min.


Q.1       Explain the central problems of an economy?                                                                 4

Q.2       Explain PPC? Give any two features of PPC.                                                                  3

Q.3       Write short note on increasing opportunity cost?                                                                3

Q.4       Explain law of diminishing marginal utility?                                                                       3

Q.5      Why does Demand curve slopes downwards?                                                                    3

Q.6       Explain the total expenditure of measuring price elasticity?                                               5

Q.7       What do you understand by Income elasticity? How can we measure it? Explain

            Its two different cases?                                                                                                    6

Q.8       Quantity sold at the price of Rs. 20 is 1500. When price falls to Rs. 15, total expenditure was 40,000.  Calculate Price Elasticity.                                                                                    4

Q.9       What is utility?                                                                                                               2

Q.10     How is Demand affected by change in taste?                                                                    3

Q.11     What is the difference between change in quantity and change in quantity demanded?   3   

Q.12     What are the factors effecting price elasticity?                                                                   3

Q.13     What is production function?                                                                                           2

Q.14     Explain law of variable proportion?                                                                                   6

Q.15     Give difference between long run and short run law of production?                         3

Q.16     Why is MC U shaped?                                                                                                 2

Q.17     How are MC and AC related?                                                                                        2

Q.18     Give two examples each of variable cost and fixed cost?                                                 2

Q.19     Draw the following curves:-                                                                                              6


            FC                    TVC                  MU                   AFC                  AVC                 TC


Q.20     Complete the following table :-                                                                                       4


Qyt                   TC                    FC                    VC                    MC                   AC 


0                                             50                    

1                                                                                               30

2                                                                                                                       25

3                                                                                               100

4                                                                                                                        40


Q.21     Give features of:-

            1          Monopoly

            2          Perfect competition

            3          Monopolistic competition

                        Also draw the curves of AR and MR in the above market.                                     8

Q.22     Explain producer equilibrium through MR MC Approach?                                                6

Q.23     Why rising part of the MC curve is supply curve.                                                             3

Q.24     Explain geometric method of finding the elasticity of Supply?                                           3

Q.25     What do you understand by Excess demand and Excess Supply?                       3

Q.26     How change in the Excise Duty will affect the equilibrium quantity and equilibrium price?                                                                                                                                     4

Q.27     Why does Monopoly emerge? What are its advantages?  

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