Britain's trade, investment and business minister, Lord Mervyn Davies is currently on a four-day visit to India to look at ways to enhance ties between both countries in the defence and aero-space technology sectors
On the eve of his visit, Davies said "UK and India stand shoulder-to-shoulder in this new millennium and will explore all avenues to have greater tie-ups in defence technology and aero-space."
Davies will also visit Nagpur, an emerging new aerospace hub, as well as Mumbai and Delhi.
Davies will visit Nagpur to support a delegation of British businesses led by the UK India Business Council (UKIBC), headed by former minister Patricia Hewitt. The delegation will include chiefs of companies from urban infrastructure, town planning, mining, energy, legal, financial, construction, water, power, education and brand marketing sectors.
The UKIBC hopes to make a head start at Nagpur, making British businesses grow with the city and thus stay ahead of the competition.
Davies' visit is likely to result in a follow-up visit from India later this year.