Are you a retailer looking for a good employee, or a good employee looking for a retailer?
Either way, it helps to come to the table prepared with reasons why
1) A candidate would want to work for you
2) Why you would to give a position to the candidate? I have been in some facet of retail for 12 years now, 7 in supermarkets and 5 in major department store management.
I interview people all the time. The candidates that stand out are usually the people that get the positions. It seems as if every interviewee uses the standard answer "I'm a people person!" when faced with the question "Why are you interested in a sales position?Dig deeper than that. As an employer, you deserve to know what qualities about the individual will contribute to their overall success in your organization. As a job seeker, you need to be able to relay those qualities about yourself. Do not be afraid to brag. The following question scenarios are meant to be a guideline to a successful interview.
As an interviewer, always begin with a short introduction of yourself. No biography needed just your name and title. Do not dig too deep in your first questions. Since it sometimes takes some people a few minutes to be "warmed up," you do not want to scare them off with hard questions right away. The following scenarios may be some help: