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Oil and Gas Investing
Oil and Gas Investing
Investing in oil and gas industry can be very advantageous. After analyzing the different options, their structures, and the level of risk involved, you can make a choice of a certain type of investment that can prove to be advantageous to your investment objective.
The benefits are several:
- Tax Benefits - According to Newsweek drilling is the very best tax-advantaged investment. 65% to 80% can be written off in the first year of certain investments and for certain others, it is 100% tax deductible. The investor's share of expenses in intangible drilling costs, intangible completion costs, tangible completion expenses, and depreciation costs, along with depletion allowance, and alternative minimum tax make these investments tax-advantageous to the investor.
- High Financial Rewards - Certain investment options afford a return of capital within a year; returns that are better than 10 to 1; more than 50% annual rate of return.
- Low Risk Potential - With advanced technology, the risk factor has been minimized. Several projects have a 90% chance of success rate.
- Availability of Drilling Prospects and Low Drilling Costs- There is a wider choice of small drilling prospects available now than in the past. Moreover drilling costs are at an all-time low with a decreasing rig activity.
- Higher Demand and Consumption - The demand and consumption of petroleum are doubling every ten years. So, at the present stage where there is no viable alternative fuel resources, investing in oil and natural gas are really advantageous.
- Lacks of Conservative Sources of Finance - Since the traditional sources of money are no longer available, the capital of individual investors are in demand, and so they stand to gain from these investments.
- Government Support - Governments recognize the value of oil and gas investments for the economy of their countries. So they encourage domestic drilling with special tax concessions. Investors in oil and gas have a distinct advantage in this.
If you want to make a very advantageous investment choice, oil and gas investments are the best.
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