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Cerebral Heights Training Centers

Name Cerebral Heights Training Centers
Description For years, in Central India, entry into the top notch B-schools was synonymous to clearing CAT and other written exams. Group Discussions and Interviews never attracted the attention that were worthy of. Not surprising then, there were good number of students who cleared CAT but failed to finally qualify. Blame it to the sheer ignorance of the tutorial classes or worse due to the lack of competence in them. CEREBRAL HEIGHTS, a brainchild of three young professionals, has changed all in last 8 years. With its specialized workshops on GD & PI, Cerebral Heights (CH) has given students the necessary edge required to finally get through! Students were quick to appreciate the difference and their faith in CH moved only one-way�Upwards. Maintaining this leadership position in GD & PI, CH in the year 2000, launched mission MBA, a comprehensive module (Written + GD&PI) for preparation of top B-schools' entrance exams. Predicated on students' feedback and a research of 2 years, mission MBA or mMBA in its very first year found tremendous support from students. Now mission MBA is the most premium course aimed at MBA entrance. With a very high strike rate, the ever-evolving mission MBA programme continues its mission of launching the students onto the world map. Another community which has risen to the importance of Personality Improvement, apart from the MBA aspirants, belongs to the people seeking jobs on campus or off it (the course offered to them is mission Campus). Not surprisingly then, the increasing number of on-campus placements find a parallel with increasing number of job-aspirants coming to CH.
Location Jabalpur
Address Satya Prakash Careers, 3,Chamber of Commerce Building,Civic Center � Marhatal, JABALPUR - 482001
Contact Number 0761-5016850
Email Id [email protected]
Web Site website
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