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Home » Finance Job-Consultants » SHRIRAM TRANSPORT FINANCE CO. LTD.


Description We are one of the largest asset financing NBFCs in    India   with a niche presence in financing pre-owned trucks and Small Truck Owners (STOs).


We are a part of the "SHRIRAM" conglomerate which has significant presence in financial services viz., commercial vehicle financing business, consumer finance, life and general insurance, stock broking, chit funds and distribution of financial products such as  life and general insurance products and units of mutual funds. Apart from these financial services, the group is also present in non-financial services business such as property development, engineering projects and information technology


Our Company was incorporated in the year 1979 and is registered as a Deposit taking NBFC with Reserve Bank of India under Section 45IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.


STFC decided to finance the much neglected Small Truck Owner. Shriram understood the power of 'Aspiration' much before marketing based on 'Aspiration' became fashionable.Shriram started lending to the Small Truck Owner to buy new trucks. But we found a mismatch between the Aspiration and Ability. The Truck Operator was honest but the Equity at his command was not sufficient to support the credit levels required to buy a new truck.


We did not have the heart to send the Truck Operator back empty handed; we decided to fund Pre-owned Trucks. This was the most momentous decision that we made. What followed was Sheer magic.


From Driver to Owner, even if only of a Pre-owned Truck and from Pre-owned Truck to the New Truck, we have been with him in his journey of Prosperity as he has been our partner in our  road to success and leadership.


 For us at Shriram, credit-worthiness of the Small Truck Owner has always been an article of faith. This faith has guided our journey from our pioneering days in financing Small Truck Owners to the present day leadership. Today we are not only the leader in Truck Finance; we are also India 's largest Asset Based Non-Banking Finance Company.


The inability of the economists to capture data relating to the economic activity of the informal sector has resulted in its neglect at the policy-making levels in the government.


The distribution of Truck Ownership being scattered among a large number of individuals has resulted in this very important group being missed by the institutional radar.


It is estimated that 80% of trucks in the country are in the hands of individuals


Our journey has seen us making several innovations while we stood at the very edge of Organized Finance. The Banks and Institutions were guided by the Economists' vision; the Small Truck Owner who always fell on their blind side was given the miss.


With a track record of about 30 years in this business, we are among the leading organized finance provider for the commercial vehicle industry with a focus to provide various credit facilities to STOs. We have also added passenger commercial vehicles, multi-utility vehicles, three wheelers, tractors and construction equipment to our portfolio, making us a diversified, end to end provider of finance solutions to the domestic road logistics industry. Besides financing commercial vehicles (both new and pre-owned) we also extend finance for tyres, engine replacement and working capital. We also provide ancillary services such as freight bill discounting besides offering co-branded credit cards.


Our pan-India presence through our widespread network of branches has helped in our overall growth over the years. As on March 31, 2009 we had 479 branches and tie up over 500 private financiers across the country. As on March 31, 2009 our total employee strength was 12,196, including more than 6,000 product executives and credit executives who are colloquially referred to as our field force.


We have demonstrated consistent growth in our business and profitability. Our assets under management have grown by a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 68.01% from Rs. 2,92,159.35 lakhs (which comprise of AUM in the books of Company of Rs. 1,58,700.28 lakhs, assets securitised / assigned of Rs. 28,368.43 lakhs and portfolio managed by the Company of Rs. 1,05,090.64 lakhs) in FY 2005 to Rs. 23,28,110.65 lakhs (which comprise of AUM in the books of Company of Rs. 17,92,397.14 lakhs, assets securitised / assigned of Rs. 5,31,092.91 lakhs and portfolio managed by the Company of Rs. 4,620.60 lakhs) in FY 2009. Our total income and our profit after tax increased from Rs. 34,568.84 lakhs and Rs. 4,932.38 lakhs in FY 2005 to Rs. 3,73,112.97 lakhs and Rs. 61,240.21 lakhs in FY 2009 at a CAGR of 81.25% and 87.71%, respectively


Location Mumbai
Address Wockhardt Towers, 3rd Floor, West Wing, G Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051.
Website http://www.stfc.in

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