What is the difference between personal account real account and nominal account?
The total business transactions are divided in to three They are Transactions related to persons, Transactions related to Things, Transactions related to incomes & expenditures. In accountancy we have three types of accounts they are - personal, real, nominal Personal accounts refers to all the transactions related to natural persons, artificial persons and representative persons ex:- rama, ravi, Indian bank, outstanding rent. ,. First category of transactions belongs to personal accounts RULE: debit the receiver and credit the giver Real accounts include things in the business i.e. assets. Second category of transactions related to Real accounts ex: buildings, machinery, cash etc. RULE: Debit what comes in and credit what goes out Nominal accounts includes all the transactions related to expenditures, incomes, losses, and profits. Ex: - rent paid, rent received, bad debts, profit on sale of an asset.
RULE: Debit all expenses and losses and credit all incomes and profits